On December 29th, Mark Marino posted on the Marquee Blog (through CNN) that the NBC comedy 30 Rock is the biggest ethics violator on television. This is according to the Global Compliance, a training organization dedicated to helping businesses “… achieve the highest degree of ethical behavior and compliance” (found on their about page). The organization claims that although these jokes may be funny, efforts should be taken to minimize their effects in the work place, emphasizing that these shows do not demonstrate proper office behavior.

NO KIDDING! For one, I believe that the reason why these “violations” are funny is because they exemplify how we shouldn’t act. We laugh at Jack for his sexist remark not because we agree with it, but rather because we see how ridiculous it is to make such a statement. 30 Rock, personally one of my favorite shows on right now, I take as a complete parody of the television business, from Liz Lemon’s circus of a writing staff up the Jack’s executive office. Sometimes, I think we need to just relax, not take ourselves so seriously and just enjoy some shows for what they are. If it wasn’t for these comedies, would we be any more ethical?

I agree with Mark Rawden from Cinemablend on his feeling that this would be really funny if it were a joke. Maybe 30 Rock will do what it does best, and make a joke out of this.

Link to CNN article