Nintendo releases details about its hand-held, 3-D gaming system –

Well, I guess this is the future of all gaming. Not only has 3-D gaming changed the movies and game consoles in 2010, but is ready to move into hand-held gaming this year. I still remember how excited I was when I got my Nintendo 64 all those years ago…

I remember talking to my cousin a while back about how improvements in video game graphics have nearly reached their limit, and how companies will have to start competing on other grounds; if anything, I would view 3-D as the final frontier of graphic development.

The current battle ground is social networking (I cannot say this is new, as online gaming has been around for several years). What I can say though is that I feel Nintendo’s strategy is somewhat clever in that they are not competing directly with Microsoft and Sony.This was evident is the marketing strategy that Nintendo took when introducing the Wii; the console was presented as more of a family entertainment system. The fact that Wii has outsold both PS3 and Xbox 360 shows that this wasn’t a bad strategy, and in doing so showed that video games can pertain to more people than just the teenager.

I am excited to see how the 3DS performs this year. The fact that the hand-held system won the Best of Show at E3 I feel is a good sign.  Nintendo broke barrier the into a whole untapped market with the Wii, and it’s possible they might do it again.